Where is Chapman University located?
Chapman University is located in the City of Orange, California, near historic Old Towne Orange. Our beautiful campus is centrally located in Orange County, a short distance from the 5, 55, 22, and 91 freeways.
When are Chapman's Ed.S. in School Psychology classes held?
In order to accommodate fieldwork in the schools, all classes are held in the late afternoon and evenings, between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
Is the GRE test required? Are there cut off scores for the GRE test?
Starting with the application for admission for the Fall 2022 cohort, the GRE test is not required. However, students may opt to include GRE scores in their application. The inclusion of GRE scores may help candidates make a stronger case for their academic preparation for our program, but the lack of GRE scores will not negatively impact a candidate’s application.
What is the committee looking for when reviewing applications?
The School Psychology faculty take a holistic approach when reviewing applications, and they look at every required piece of documentation. The faculty are seeking to create the best cohort of students who bring a diverse mix of strengths and experiences. There are several prompts in the supplemental application that allow you to help clarify your qualifications for the program, and we encourage you to utilize those opportunities to help tell your unique story. When completing your application, you may help the faculty to see your strengths (e.g., years of experience in education, currently working with individuals with exceptional needs, or very high GPA/GRE) and address any weaker areas (e.g., "My grades weren’t as strong my first year in college due to X, but greatly improved once I…" or "Although I haven’t had the opportunity to work in an educational setting, my employment as an X has prepared me with Y skills that will be directly relevant to the field of school psychology”).
When are the 2025-2026 admission interviews?
Candidates who are selected for interviews will be notified approximately two weeks before the interview date.
Can I apply for the program at any time?
The School Psychology program at Chapman only admits one cohort per year. We hold on-campus interviews within a few weeks of the application deadline and make admissions decisions shortly thereafter, selecting a cohort that will begin their coursework in the fall.
How many students do you admit annually?
We admit one cohort per year, consisting of approximately 20 students. The admission rate varies annually with the number of applications received.
What is the cost of the program?
More details on current tuition »
How many graduate units can be transferred upon acceptance into the school psychology program?
Per university policy, a maximum of 12 semester credits (4 courses) can be transferred into the school psychology graduate program. All transfer credits must be approved by the Director. For more information on the policy, please see Chapman University’s Graduate Catalog.
Can undergraduate classes take the place of graduate courses offered in the program?
No, upon approval of the Director only a maximum of 12 units of graduate units can be transferred into the program.
Do I have to have an undergraduate degree in psychology?
No. Our students come from a variety of educational backgrounds. The vast majority have degrees in psychology, human or child development, sociology, or education. However, we have had successful students complete the program with a wide variety of undergraduate areas of study. If your academic background is in a completely different field (e.g., Chemistry), we strongly recommend that you complete some additional college level coursework in general psychology, child development, and/or education.
What is the Praxis School Psychology test?
To receive national certification under the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) standards (i.e., to become a Nationally Certified School Psychologist or NCSP), a student must pass praxis exam. This is also a graduation requirement of our program and is typically taken during the final year of study. Please see the Praxis Study Companion file for more detailed information about the Praxis School Psychology test.
Does the Ed.S. in School Psychology program prepare me to work as a school psychologist?
Yes, students who successfully complete the Ed.S. program are eligible for the California Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credential in school psychology.
Can the credential I earn at Chapman be used to practice/work in any state other than California?
Chapman University offers degree programs that lead to professional licensure within the state of California, and which may also allow graduates to be eligible for licensure or certification in other states. However, other than for the state of California, Chapman has not made an independent determination as to whether its programs’ curriculum meets a particular state's educational requirements for licensure or certification. Therefore, students and prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact the state’s licensure entity where they intend to practice to review all licensure and certification requirements imposed by the state(s) of their choice. Chapman is not responsible if a student is unable to qualify for state licensure or certification.
How long will it take me to complete this program?
Most students finish the Ed.S. program in 3 years. There is also an option to extend the program to 4 years of study.
Are students paid for their school psychology internship hours?
During their time in our program, students complete at least 600 hours of school psychology practicum (during the 2nd year of the program) and 1,200 hours of school psychology internship (during the 3rd year of the program). As these fieldwork assignments are completed within local school districts, there is variation regarding pay. Some internships are paid (via salary, hourly wage, or stipend), and some are not. The number of available paid internships varies annually.
What if I have a question about an admission decision?
Please follow the steps below:
- Any applicant who wishes to inquire about or to appeal an admission decision made by the Counseling or School Psychology program at the Attallah College of Educational Studies may contact the CSP Program Specialist in writing at schoolpsychology@tuwabuki.com. If the student wishes to submit a formal written grievance, this must be received by schoolpsychology@tuwabuki.com within 10 days of admissions decision. Once the written grievance has been received it will be forwarded to the Director, who will review documentation with the admissions committee and respond in writing to the candidate.
- If the student wishes to further grieve the response, they may do so in writing to schoolpsychology@tuwabuki.com within 10 days of grievance response. At this point, the applicant's file (including candidate’s application package and review scores) will be forwarded to the Director and a meeting will be arranged with the applicant to review applicant documents and program decision.
- Should the applicant desire to file a formal grievance, a written appeal should be sent within five working days to the Attallah College Associate Dean of Graduate Education or Dean. The Associate Dean or Dean will confer with the applicant and meet with the Director and faculty if appropriate. Within 10 business days of meeting with the Associate Dean or Dean, the applicant will receive a formal written statement indicating the college’s decision.
Does adding the LPCC emphasis make me eligible to work in private practice?
Students who add on the Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) coursework complete the academic requirements to become a LPCC, but they still must complete the mandatory post-graduation fieldwork hours and licensure exam.
For more information about Attallah College's LPCC program, including required coursework and hours, visit the Attallah LPCC FAQs and info page.
How do I receive more information?
The Attallah College of Educational Studies offers monthly graduate information sessions. These sessions are great opportunities to obtain further information about the program and meet with the program coordinator.
To request further information about Chapman University's graduate programs, please complete the form at the link below so that the Office of Graduate Admission can send you more information about life as a Panther.
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