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Argyros College of Business and Economics

BS in Accounting

» BS in Accounting

A BS in Accounting from Chapman University will equip you to become a certified accountant. But it will also do so much more. It will prepare you for the world of business and open the door to working in any industry you imagine.

Along the way, you’ll learn to solve business problems and help organizations meet their financial goals through the highest level of honest and ethical practices.

A student working outdoors

In this program, you will:

  • Build the skills employers want to see.
  • Start recruitment your first year (more on that below).
  • Intern at major firms and gain real-world experience.Prepare to take the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and CMA (Certified Management Accountant) exams.
A student poining to a laptop screen displaying rows of data

By the time you graduate, you'll be prepared to:

  • Work in any type of accounting you want — public accounting, financial accounting, government accounting, and more.
  • Join businesses of any size and in any industry.
  • Become an auditor or budget analyst.
Reed Nakakihara
Reed Nakakihara
Internships are important, and no one knows it better than Reed Nakakihara ‘19. Reed interned at Deloitte (one of the Big Four) as an undergrad. Now he’s working for them full time.


Recruitment is a key part of Accounting students' success, and we make sure you're in a great position to take advantage of it.

What is recruitment?

Recruitment is exactly what it sounds like. It’s when companies and firms seek out college students to recruit for internships and full-time positions.

Where does recruitment take place?

Recruitment happens right on the Chapman campus each semester.  At recruitment events, you can meet recruiters from top firms and interview for summer leadership programs (SLPs) and internships. It’s a great opportunity to network and begin to make a name for yourself.

When can I start?

At Chapman, you can start the recruitment process as early as you want. Plenty of Accounting students start during their first year. The earlier you start, the more interviews, SLPs,internships and jobs are available to you.


Business clubs and organizationsbusiness-clubs-callout.png

Joining one of our student-led business clubs or organizations gives you new opportunities to:

  • Enhance your leadership skills.
  • Build relationships with peers and alumni.
  • Network with business leaders through exclusive events.

Accounting students sitting at a table

Accounting Society

Run by students for students, our Accounting Society is a group of passionate future accountants. Join in and you’ll get access to special events, mock interviews, and more. Plus, you’ll make plenty of friends along the way. Who knows? Some of them may even be your future colleagues.

Study abroad

Take your passion for accounting worldwide in one of our many international programs. Our Center for Global Education makes it easy.

Walk Down Wall Street Travel Course

Seven Days. Six companies. And maybe a Broadway show or two along the way.

Walk Down Wall Street is a popular travel course where you will visit New York City and network with the leading finance professionals. Plus, you’ll tour the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ MarketSite and much more. Who knows? You may even line up a job for after you graduate.

Take your degree further

Earn your master’s degree with just one additional year of study in our Accelerated (4+1) programs:


Other perks

  • The Big Four: We have recruiters from the Big Four accounting firms (Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, EY, KPMG) on campus every semester.
  • Intern where you want: Not local to Southern California? Not a problem. Most companies have placement opportunities in multiple locations. You may even be able to go home over the summer while doing your internship.
  • Argyros College of Business and Economics Career Services: At Chapman, you will have access to a personal career advisor who will help you explore all your career options.
Two students talking
Argyros Advising
As an undergraduate business student at Chapman, you have a team of dedicated advisors who can help you with academic questions and concerns, as well as planning your career or studying abroad.

Admission and tours

Interested in taking the next step? Learn how to apply or check out our transfer prerequisites.

Want to learn more about Chapman? We are always available for tours and information sessions. We’d love to meet you!

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