Chapman Parking Map (PDF)
Visitors Parking Map (PDF)
All parking areas are restricted 24 hours-per-day, seven days-per-week. During restricted hours all vehicles must display a valid parking permit. You must purchase a short-term parking permit unless you have received a pass in advance.
Where to Park
The West Campus Structure accessed via N. Cypress Street or the Marion Knott Studios Lot at Palm and Lemon. After 4 p.m. Monday-Thursday and all-day Friday-Sunday, visitors may also park in the Barrera Structure at Sycamore and Lemon and the Anderson Structure located off Walnut between Glassell and Center.
Permits at Marion Knott Studios Lot
Visitors may park in any unreserved space in the lot. Temporary permits are required and may be purchased from the permit dispenser located in the rear parking area. Be sure to place the permit face-up on your dashboard.
Permits in Barrera Structure
Visitors may only park after 4 p.m.. Monday – Thursday and all day Friday - Sunday in any unreserved space. Visitor permits are required at all times and may be purchased from one of the parking kiosks located on levels 1 and 3 in the north east corner by the elevator. You can purchase a permit via the Pay-and-Display option which requires the printed permit to be displayed on the dash of the vehicle or via the Pay-by-Plate option which requires you to enter your license plate but does not require a paper permit to be displayed on the vehicle.
Permits in Anderson Structure
Visitors may park in the 50 marked visitor spaces on the first floor prior to 4pm, and in any unreserved space after 4 p.m. Monday – Thursday and all day Friday – Sunday. Visitor permits are required at all times and may be purchased from one of the parking kiosks located in the structure: NW corner, elevator lobby on the south end levels B1 and B2, middle of the east wall level B1, or in the extension near the elevator that leads into the Keck Science center. You can purchase a permit via the Pay-and-Display option which requires the printed permit to be displayed on the dash of the vehicle or via the Pay-by-Plate option which requires you to enter your license plate but does not require a paper permit to be displayed on the vehicle.
$2 for 2 hours; $3 for 4 hours; $5 for 12 hours.
City Streets
The streets adjacent to campus are reserved for Orange resident-only permit parking. The affected blocks are marked with red and white signs. It is likely that you will be ticketed by the City of Orange if you park in one of these areas. Curb-side parking is allowed only on the campus side of the University perimeter.
Call Parking Services at (714) 997-6560 or email at