

$34 几百万 Amount of 研究 支出 in FY2022

$34.2 几百万 Amount of 研究 支出s in FY2022

$11 几百万 Federal 研究 支出 in FY2022

$11.1 几百万 in Federal 研究 支出s in FY2022

80+ Contracts with industry partners in FY2022

80+ contracts with industry partners in FY 2022

2145 研究生


7 博士课程


57 硕士项目




Click on a group below to find out more information about each respective department.


Lia Halloran's NEA 支持ed Collection, "Your Body is a Space that Sees" Exhibits at LAX

Lia Halloran's NEA 支持ed Collection, "Your Body is a Space that Sees" Exhibits at LAX

In 2015, Lia Halloran received a National Endowment for the 艺术 (NEA) Art Works grant to support the series, which contains a total of forty pieces. 展出的大型蓝型照片, created using source imagery from the Harvard College Observatory, 并列遥远, telescopic views of the stars with the human histories and identities behind our greatest astronomical explorations.

Lia Halloran's NEA 支持ed Collection, "Your Body is a Space that Sees" Exhibits at LAX


祝贺博士. Shira Klein和Dr. 诺拉·里维拉 who each recently received highly competitive awards funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Dr. Shira Klein, Associate Professor of History, was awarded an NEH Summer Stipend for work on her book, Jews and Race in the Italian Colonization of Africa, 1890–1945.  Dr. 诺拉·里维拉, 英语助理教授, was selected to participate in the NEH Worlds in Collision: Nahua and Spanish Pictorial Histories and Annals in 16th-Century Mexico Summer Institute at Adelphi University. 

Click here to find out more about our faculty's success through NEH
Gates Foundation Awards Chapman Institute More Than $11 Million

Gates Foundation Awards Chapman Institute More Than $11 Million

In the struggle to make education more inclusive, too often people with disabilities have been on the outside looking in. 但现在 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学’s Thompson Policy Institute on Disability (TPI) is increasing access and opportunity for all individuals, aided by growing support from foundations and other donors.

Gates Foundation Awards Chapman Institute More Than $11 Million


Morgan Grimes ‘22 Receives the Scholarly/Creative Grant for a Project Combining Art and Science

在她自己的时间, 带着好奇心和对科学的热爱, Grimes recieved grants to travel to Poland and study Marie Curie. Though due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, she used the money towards the project. The final project is an art piece of five paintings on x-rays, to illustrate Marie Curie’s influence such as creating the mobile x-ray machine during WWI and chemotherapy.

Read about Grimes discoveries and research here

Sanika Pandit '21 Awarded NSF Graduate 研究 Fellowship

Sanika Pandit, 21岁, was recently awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate 研究 Fellowship which recognizes graduate students in science, 技术, 工程, and math who are pursuing further education in masters and doctoral programs. Pandit is currently working and exploring regenerative medicine alongside Dean Andrew Lyon of the 福勒工程学院 里昂集团, where their research focuses on various aspects of soft materials chemistry and physics for applications in bio工程.

Read more about Sanika's research here

Sara Iisaka '22 研究es Disordered Eating 研究 during the Pandemic

Sara Iisaka (she/her) has always been intrigued by the way people’s perceptions about themselves are influenced by the circumstances and environment around them. Needless to say, the COVID-19 Pandemic has impacted the entire world in various, complex ways. 跟随她的好奇心, Iisaka took part in a research project utilizing the Schoin the midst of the pandemic that looked into how people’s perceptions of their weight, 身体形象, 锻炼, and eating habits in relation to eating disorder symptoms have been impacted by COVID-19. 

Read more about Sara's findings and research here


澳门威尼斯人app下载大学’s robust growth in research and scholarly and creative activity opens doors to enhancements that will improve student experience and opportunities. Chapman Forward is a research publication that highlight just a few of the exciting areas where Chapman faculty and students are making a difference in the world and in our community.